Steering Committee

Mexico-US Solidarity Network

Macrina Alarcon

Tijuana, Mexico

Macrina Cárdenas de Alarcón was formerly the Mexico SolidarityNetwork’s Legislative Coordinator in DC. She has spent the past five years aiding deportees and doing grassroots organizing in Tijuana with La Casa del Migrante.

Glen Kuecker

Greencastle, IN

Professor of History, DePauw University

Peggy Valdes

Chicago, IL

a PhD student in Higher Education and Student Affairs in the College of Education and current manager of the Latino Native American Cultural Center. Prior, she was a graduate Fellow in the ENLACE Leadership program at Northeastern Illinois University that conducts research, compiles and disseminates information about best practices, and seeks to create leaders who will improve the pipeline to post-secondary completion for Latinos.s

Nancy Jakubiak

Louisville, KY
Kentucky Interfaith Task Force on Latin America and the Caribbean

Enrique Davalos

San Diego, CA / Tijuana, Mexico


Coalicion para Justicia en las Maquiladoras (Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras)

Red de San Diego en Solidaridad con los y las Trabajadoras de la Maquila (San Diego Maquiladora Workers’ Solidarity Network)

Professor of Chicano Studies at San Diego City College

Jessica Marques

San Francisco, CA

Public Health Professional



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